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AI Prompts: Primary vs Caucus vs General Election
Discover the key differences between a primary, caucus, general election, and more. Learn how to participate, and understand their role in shaping the presidential race. Whether you’re curious about party nominations or the ultimate showdown in the general election, these AI prompts have you covered
AI Prompt: US Electoral College Demystified
In this comprehensive AI prompt, we’ll unravel the mystery of the US Electoral College, explained in a simple, easy to understand way.Electoral College PromptExplain the US Electoral College in a simple and concise manner suitable for a sixth grader, using analogies, specific historical events or el
Rep vs. Rep AI Prompts: Background, Policies, Leadership, More
Here are fun AI prompts that you can use to compare US representatives. Delve into the backgrounds, policy positions, leadership styles, campaign promises, ethical standards, communication skills, and public opinion surrounding two Reps you wish to compare. Discover their strengths, weaknesses, and
Investigate Your Reps 4: AI Prompt Guide to Federal, State, Local Leaders
Explore an in-depth, detailed profile of your representative, covering their educational background, professional experience, party affiliation, policy positions, views on key issues, achievements, controversies, advisors, donors, poll performance, foreign policy stance, endorsements, and voting rec
Investigate Your Reps 3: AI Prompt Guide to Federal, State, Local Leaders
These AI prompts delve into your Rep's policy proposals, qualifications, and vision for the country. Explore their communication style, fundraising strategies, and performance in polls and debates. Discover how they address pressing issues and interact with other politicians. Uncover their personal
Investigate Your Reps 2: AI Prompt Guide to Federal, State, Local Leaders
Explore in-depth, detailed profiles of politicians, covering their educational background, professional experience, party affiliation, policy positions, views on key issues, achievements, controversies, advisors, donors, poll performance, foreign policy stance, endorsements, and voting record. Get i
Investigate Your Reps 1: AI Prompt Guide to Federal, State, Local Leaders
Discover detailed information about your elected representatives, including their party affiliation, district, educational and employment backgrounds, net worth, terms served, awards, achievements, committee memberships, stance on key issues, voting records, official government URLs, campaign links,
Voting Made Easy: Your AI Prompt Guide to US Elections
Discover the essential steps for participating in US elections. From registration to absentee voting, early voting, and more, these AI prompts empower you to make your voice heard. Whether you’re a student, a new resident, or an overseas citizen, these prompts simplify the process and ensure your vo
AI Prompts For US State Legislatures: Reps, Terms, and More
Discover key details about your state's legislature including how many representatives make up each body, the party breakdown of Democrats, Republicans, and other parties, vacant seats, term length, term limits (if any), annual salary, official URLs and member directory.PromptFor the state of [MY ST
AI Prompts - US House of Representatives
The US House of Representatives is where laws are made. Each state has a voice in the House, but the number of representatives depends on the state’s population. Let’s explore how this works.US House Info PromptCreate a detailed bullet point list about the US House of Representatives, including the
AI Prompts - The US Senate
Enter the fascinating world of the US Senate. From Senators to tie-breaking votes, we’ve got you covered. So, whether you’re curious about why 2 Senators per state or equal representation, the US Senate has all the answers. Dive in and become a Senate expert with these AI prompts.US Senate Info Prom
US President AI Prompts: In-Depth Candidate Profiles
Explore the leading contenders from major parties and dive into detailed profiles of a specific presidential candidate. Discover their background, net worth, stance on key issues, and more. Stay informed as election season unfolds with these AI prompts.PromptWho are the leading candidates from the R
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Order of Succession?

Please explain the order of succession in the United States if the President dies, becomes incapacitated, or is otherwise unable to complete their term of office.
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Election Day: A Tuesday in November?

Please explain why federal elections in the United States are held on the first Tuesday of November. What is the historical significance of this day and why was it chosen for elections?
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Founding Fathers: How Old Were They?

What were the ages of the following Founding Fathers of the United States on July 4, 1776: George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, Paul Revere, Benjamin Franklin, Samuel Adams, John Hancock, and Patrick Henry?
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